Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tree is down...countdown to NYE Mystery WOOHOO

A dear gal on one of the quilting lists I am on does an annual mystery quilt...the one day I look forward to every starts at 5AM my time on New Years Eve, it is SOOOO much fun. Patrick knows how much I look forward to this and he occupies the kids (well Nick at least) and I come down about 4:30 am turn on the heat, make some hot cocoa or tea and click on the laptop and sewing machine, warm up the iron and I'm ready to go! I'll post a photo of my top next weekend..yes I finish the top that day.

Another brother had Christmas with my parents today and opened his quilt that I made him, yaya....he loved it. It was so is a photo, this was before borders and quilting, but it's just beautiful, such a "man" quilt.


Jeremy Phillips said...

Being the brother in question, I'd just like to say that it is a fantastic quilt and more than I ever could have asked for. Thanks cece!

Tracey said...

I'm sooo glad you like it Jeremy. Love ya!