Now up to mind is whirling, tomorrow i will go through the house and figure out all the must do's.
Going to the dr tomorrow morning, can't seem to get rid of this awful cold/virus.
Anyone else working on a list of "to do's"?
Love to all
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tree is down...countdown to NYE Mystery WOOHOO
A dear gal on one of the quilting lists I am on does an annual mystery quilt...the one day I look forward to every starts at 5AM my time on New Years Eve, it is SOOOO much fun. Patrick knows how much I look forward to this and he occupies the kids (well Nick at least) and I come down about 4:30 am turn on the heat, make some hot cocoa or tea and click on the laptop and sewing machine, warm up the iron and I'm ready to go! I'll post a photo of my top next weekend..yes I finish the top that day.
Another brother had Christmas with my parents today and opened his quilt that I made him, yaya....he loved it. It was so is a photo, this was before borders and quilting, but it's just beautiful, such a "man" quilt.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas from my kiddies :-)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas! Here comes 2009
What a wonderful year this has been, filled with so many blessings.
Tomorrow morning the kids will wake to a tree full of gifts, I hope they enjoy it all. Tonight was a dinner of belgian waffles and sausage, made by Patrick..yah! it was yummy. We read the story of Jesus each year and then we all get to open a gift :-) Nicholas is asleep and time for Patrick to put his little scooter together.
Merry Christmas!
Lots of love....Tracey
Tomorrow morning the kids will wake to a tree full of gifts, I hope they enjoy it all. Tonight was a dinner of belgian waffles and sausage, made by Patrick..yah! it was yummy. We read the story of Jesus each year and then we all get to open a gift :-) Nicholas is asleep and time for Patrick to put his little scooter together.
Merry Christmas!
Lots of love....Tracey
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Time to wrap gifts
UGH...I love shopping for them, choosing just the right item for the right person etc...but the wrapping is for the birds. Patrick has set me up a gift wrapping station in the garage HAHA..sorta like my sewing table with a little table off to the side (l shaped there ya go) all the paper, tape, boxes, ribbon all nicely sitting there for to get my booty out there and take care of it all. No kidding I have at least 60 gifts to wrap...yes we went hog on the kids this year. They have been soooo good and were so supportive of Patrick during his short layoff and they seldom ask for anything so figured why not :-) They will all be very excited and have a great time.
Bye for now....
Bye for now....
Monday, December 15, 2008
Another Monday...
Is it me or is time flying for all? Often wonder that.
Nicholas has a thing for candy canes right now, his motto "the more the better" haha...too much sugar and he's a different child. Tomorrow is his field trip to the tree farm with preschool but him and I are both sick so we're skipping out. I'm actually feeling better but his cough sounds worse. I hope he sleeps well tonight, I'm exhausted, been up since 5 this morning. Have a big cake order for tomorrow night and just spent 4 hours making 50 gumpaste roses..ugh. Very pretty but very time consuming. I'll post a photo tomorrow of the cake. Heading to bed now since I still have to bake the cake tomorrow morning.
Good night and blessings
Nicholas has a thing for candy canes right now, his motto "the more the better" haha...too much sugar and he's a different child. Tomorrow is his field trip to the tree farm with preschool but him and I are both sick so we're skipping out. I'm actually feeling better but his cough sounds worse. I hope he sleeps well tonight, I'm exhausted, been up since 5 this morning. Have a big cake order for tomorrow night and just spent 4 hours making 50 gumpaste roses..ugh. Very pretty but very time consuming. I'll post a photo tomorrow of the cake. Heading to bed now since I still have to bake the cake tomorrow morning.
Good night and blessings
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Santa visit today for Nick
Nicholas and I are heading out to the mall to visit santa today. Funny thing dad has a white beard and Nicholas swears that Santa is Grandpa. I asked him if he wanted to see santa today and he said "do we go on a airplane" too funny! He has insisted upon this all season. We were at macy's and they had these free little pins with santa on them..some Believe promotion they were having or something..anyhow, he says really loud..."hey that's my grandpa" too funny! He still has the pin :-)
Monday, December 8, 2008
17 days and counting
Hard to believe it's that special time of the year again. Have been making cookies like crazy..25 1/2 dozen yesterday, thankfully I had Ashley's help or I would have pooped out way earlier. Tomorrow Patrick will take a nice big platter of cookies to work. Brownies just came out of the oven and the house smells wonderful.
Hope you're all doing well and taking a time out to remember the real reason for this season!
Love to all....
Hope you're all doing well and taking a time out to remember the real reason for this season!
Love to all....
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tea Party Blocks and thoughts on mother hood....
I had a break through today....After an hour of running wild..literally!...I had just brought the muddy puppy in from outside, she was in a crazy mood!, then fanagling her into her crate..which she didn't want to go in...Nicholas was going potty and missed the potty, peed all over the floor, himself etc..I'm sure you all get the picture now...his socks were soaked and he's running around downstairs, I grabbed him first and removed the nasty socks, mopped the floor up where he and the muddy puppy had been, then into the bathroom...WOW...didn't know a little one had that much pee, it was everywhere! cleaned the bathroom up, floor and all, the entire time nicholas is screaming for underpants HAHA..the life of a mom..As I dropped the wet carpets, towels etc into the basket of laundry I smiled and I am very thankful to be able to take care of my family like this :-) Took a brief moment and thanked God for my family, health and of course my muddy sweet little puppy.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving weekend
I hope all my friends and family had a wonderful weekend. We sure did. What a blessing to spend such quality time with my family. Patrick and I headed out at 445 on Friday morning, its a tradition for us and we both enjoy it, may not even buy a lot but it's fun and then we stop for breakfast and come home for a nap :-) No kids allowed haha.
Finished a couple of quilty christmas projects this weekend, yah! My hands are feeling it now, that hand sewing is tough on the arthritis. Today I'm working on the house, laundry and my TeaParty BOM's..they are so cute, gotta finish this quilt quickly as I have the perfect wall in my dining room, mom recently gave me a couple of my grandma's tea cups, I love them!! And plan to hang those up on a rack above the quilt. I will post photos when its may be a longgggg while but it will get there.
Patrick has one last day off for this long weekend and we plan to finish the kids' Christmas shopping today, only a couple of items left. Then just shopping for him and I'm finished and can sit back and enjoy the holiday.
Take care and have a blessed week!
Finished a couple of quilty christmas projects this weekend, yah! My hands are feeling it now, that hand sewing is tough on the arthritis. Today I'm working on the house, laundry and my TeaParty BOM's..they are so cute, gotta finish this quilt quickly as I have the perfect wall in my dining room, mom recently gave me a couple of my grandma's tea cups, I love them!! And plan to hang those up on a rack above the quilt. I will post photos when its may be a longgggg while but it will get there.
Patrick has one last day off for this long weekend and we plan to finish the kids' Christmas shopping today, only a couple of items left. Then just shopping for him and I'm finished and can sit back and enjoy the holiday.
Take care and have a blessed week!
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