One of my latest projects..and yes I'm addicted to this pattern. Have a couple more cut out already. The inside of this one has an iron on vinyl lining for easy cleanup. I'm taking this one to mom tomorrow...Nicholas and I are heading to Seattle for a visit. He is SOOOO excited about the airplane.
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" NIV
101 Things to do in 2009
1. Organize garage for DHLets just say all I'm doing is my cake and quilt stuff!! it's a never ending dump zone :-( 2. Throw away clutter/junk from kitchen cupboards 2/09 3. Purge excess quilting fabric(new homes found...some to freecycle, some for Jill and scraps for Veda) 4. Hand scrub kitchen floor ( really don't know how to get the crevices clean on the laminate...I have tried EVERYTHING) any suggestions? 5. Clean grout in all 3 bathrooms, reseal grout 6. Sew every Tuesday morning!!! No excuses! (so far so good!!) 7. Organize Nicholas's closet A few times over and it still needs it again! 8. Quilt all tops in 2009!!Grand total...42+ finished tops, 8 +that need borders...sigh..will I ever finish them all?? The plus means I found more and I've actually lost count UGH!! Didn't happen...sorta new it wouldn't at the cost of quilting..sigh...I am teaching myself to meander though so maybe 2010 will bring a few quilted by myself 9. Clean out cupboards in laundry room 1/09 10.Purge Nicholas's toys (all to new homes now) 1/09 11. Pray everyday upon waking Been praying throughout the day/evenings all year...upon waking is a tough one to get in the habit of I do pray everyday though...often many you jesus 12. Training for Sophie 1/09- 13. Go through quilting magazines WOOHOO DONE! 14. Clean out my bathroom vanity 15. Clean out Morgan's bathroom vanity This girl had stuff like you wouldn't believe under there!!! 1/09 16. Clean out Ashley's bathroom vanity 1/09 17. Visit Mom and Dad, Jeremy and family May not happen this year :-( 18. Visit my dear sis and her family May not happen in 2009 19. Clean ceiling fan blades and polished! 1/09 20. Dust baseboards Done by the housekeeper twice this year! 21. Follow a budget for two weeks, see if I can! We did it!!! 22. Reunite with old friends (Alisa, Pam) Pam I have but having troubles finding Alisa...Glad to touchbase with Pam....wonderful!! 23. Oil and run all sewing machines that have been sitting No oil machines after checking them all out. 2010 will bring two to the sew shop for tune ups...spendy but worth it. 24. Make Nicholas some pj bottoms DID IT...very cute shorties 4/09 25. Clean out linen closet 26. hmmm...why is this space bare??? 27. Cleaning on a regular schedule, every monday...try it for a month and see if it works :-) ( gosh I don't like cleaning) Not gonna work...gotta break it up over the week or hire someone permanently. Honestly...I'd rather spend my spare time with my family 28. Scrub tile/walls in bathrooms 29. Vacuum window sills and clean them Front and slider was will wait til spring 2010 30. Take Nicholas on a "real" train Does Bart count?? HAHA... 31. Go to the Ballet 32. Girls day out with my pedicures a couple times this year, another to come on Sunday... 33. Go to a "tea" in the city 34. Hang up lighting in dining room, not sure if I want this done permanently so have been postponing..hmmm 35. Paint laundry room WOOHOO..DONE 4/09 36. new baseboards in laundry room NEXT YEAR 37. "polish" all wood in the house 38. Have my room painted a creamy mocha DONE 4/09 Nice candy bar brown :-) 39. No shopping for a month ( see if I can do this) 40. Send out 1 RAK a month...could be local could be far away, you'll never know hahahaha....July is on it's way somewhere :-) 41. Learn to knit going to sign up for a class next week!!! 42. Visit the library once a month, didn't work, I'd rather buy nicky books and I have a digital reader so this was a no go...we went a few times to story time though 43. Try accupuncture, always has intrigued me 44. Learn to bake bread from scratch 45. Dye some fabric that I bought this year..ha! Have lost interest in trying it's off the list HAHA.. 46. Learn to sew zippers, learned on 2 styles of bags...not bad at all, will try in a garment next 47. Learn to use resources wisely, make 2 dozen cloth napkins HA..actually found a clearance sale at Target and bought 24 beautiful cloth napkins for 7.00!! Couldn't make em for that price. 48. Take Nicholas to the paint studio to make a plate 49. Finish Teaparty quilt and hang it up 50. Take a pasta cooking class with Patrick 51. Learn to say "NO" NO NO NO...haha...getting there. This is a tough one cuz I find myself staying in and away from people just so I don't get confronted with something that I can't say no too...ugh 52. Learn to leave the "guilt" of saying "no" behind!! 53. Spend more time with friends! this is a great one! 54. Have a sewing day at my house with a few friendsDONE! was fun!!! 55. Defrost big freezer :-( DONE 6/09 56. Send a handwritten letter to a friend each month 57. See the snow this year. Will have to wait til next year...sigh..... 58. Learn to thread my serger by myself.not rely on dh 59. Have a foot massage 6/09 was wonderful!!! 60. Eat more salad DONE...Almost every night now...we all enjoy them. Can now say we look forward to our nightly salad :-) 61. Set up new ebay account Did Etsy instead 7/09 62. Put some quilt tops on ebayJust can't part with any of the 50+ tops Not gonna happen! 63. go on a picnic , Have had two with Nicholas this spring 64. Cook a new dinner each month (Meatloaf tonight..havent' had that in months!) 4/09 65. Take the kids to the lake this summer 66. Compile all my recipes into a book..nothing fancy 67. Clean out closet under stairs and make a den for nicky 68. Make an apron for my cake biz 69. Polish Kitchen Cabinets 6/09 housekeeper did it 70. Plan Ashley's graduation party (june 6 or 7) 71. Wash screens (spring) 72. Tell someone I love em everyday! (besides dh and kids..already do that with them :-) 73. Get a new desk for the family computer we have Morgans from her room but still tiny and compact...better than the last one though, I am thankful 74. Find a chair for Morgans desk DONE 75. Sort through cookbooks...find new homes.Sold some at a garage sale...but still too many!! Will do this next week 76. Allow myself to relax, even if the house is a mess! 77. Learn to not worry what others think so much, Just always worry so much about my darn weight..have lost 3.5 lbs this month though...don't have a choice, gotta do it for my health. 78. Call my brother more often, I miss him! Need to do this more often...I love chatting to Jeremy 79. Keep up on the monthly Block of the Month..begins Feb. 14 So far so good! Each month is done YEAH>>>>Last bom is 2nd saturday in January and I have stayed on task!! kudos to me 80. Sell Nick's crib/dressing table DONE 3/09 81. Learn to embroider...the right way :-) I love handwork. 82. Get Nick a new dresser and comforter set for big boy bed DONE 3/09..looks very cute! 83. Put the new wallborder in Nick's room DONE 84. Figure out a method to get laundry DONE each week...sigh....hate laundry...hate laundry....get the idea?? 85. Take better care of myself!!! Working on it 86. Learn to let Ashley grow up a's tough, she's my first. doing well with this one! she's doing great too! Very successful at this far so good...she's quite the young lady and very responsible working as a nanny for 3 little ones and will begin college january 20 something... 87. Date night once a month with DH 88. Have a body massage 6/09 with dh, was a wonderful relaxing spa weekend!! 89. Take a machine embroidery class..learn to use mine. at90. Find a new church that we will all enjoy and feelhome in. Fathers it, now to become more involved 91. Get Nicholas started in Awanas this fall. Decided to wait til he's 5, doing so well in preschool that I didn't want to overwhelm him. 92. Swim lessons for Nicholas 10 weeks and he does great!! Will pick it back up in the early spring when the eve's are not so cold. 93. Tennis lessons for the girls 94. Guitar lesson for Ashley 95. Mail packages/letters/cards on time. Everything for Christmas was early!! woohooo... 96. Follow thru with projects..why do i get so overwhelmed with stuff?? ugh..trying though 97. 98. 99. 100. 101.
I'm a Stay at home mom to 3 children and an adorable golden retriever puppy named Sophie. One husband aka best friend of 20 years named Patrick. Busy Busy household, much to be thankful for!
1 comment:
very cute
I wish my fabric would get here I ordered to make mine.
Where did you get the lining stuff?
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