Sunday, December 21, 2008

Time to wrap gifts

UGH...I love shopping for them, choosing just the right item for the right person etc...but the wrapping is for the birds. Patrick has set me up a gift wrapping station in the garage HAHA..sorta like my sewing table with a little table off to the side (l shaped there ya go) all the paper, tape, boxes, ribbon all nicely sitting there for to get my booty out there and take care of it all. No kidding I have at least 60 gifts to wrap...yes we went hog on the kids this year. They have been soooo good and were so supportive of Patrick during his short layoff and they seldom ask for anything so figured why not :-) They will all be very excited and have a great time.

Bye for now....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have fun Tracey :-)
I am considering going the easy route this year and just tying everyone's gifts up in a sack made of Christmas fabric!
All gifts in 1 sack...ok so it is a lazy way, but considering I only have a 2' tall tree up on a small table in the corner, I can place everyone's gift sack on the loveseat next to it before bed and not worry about the physco cat ripping them all open over